About Us
Welcome to Oh Lilly Designs! We made everything with love.
Hi! I am Aline and I'm a dreamer! Graphic Designer since 2011, work with creativity is my passion.
Templates designs caught my attention a few years ago and since then we have been growing our brand to offer the best of the best! Modern and unique art. Our Designs can be customized for any event. To beyond and infinity right? Our beautiful team is Marina (my best friend since we were 4!) Me and 5 cats creating items for your party decor, wedding celebration and more!

Freedom to create!
More than 5.000 reviews
More than 5000+ positive reviews.
More than 40.000 sales
and 40000k+ sales on Etsy.
We offer an e-commerce with more freedom to create, offer free goods and everything that the Universe gives us the possibilities.
If you have any questions, feel free to send us a message! We love to talk! =) See ya!
Thank you for being an Oh Lilly Design customer!
Aline + Marina.